isin | Alphanumeric String | International Securities Identification Number | US42704L1044 |
lei | Alphanumeric String | Legal Entity Identifier | 549300TP80QLITMSBP82 |
figi | Alphanumeric String | Financial Instrument Global Identifier | BBG00WNPK2F5 |
ticker | String | Ticker symbol | HRI |
exchange | String | Stock exchange where the security is traded | NASDAQ |
mic_code | String | Market Identifier Code for the exchange | XNGS |
permid | Numerical String | Permanent Identifier | 4295900057 |
company_name | String | Legal name of the company. | HERC HOLDINGS INC |
country | Categorical String | Country where the company's headquarters are located. | United States |
sector | String | Sector in which the company operates. | Technology |
industry | String | Industry classification of the company. | Software - Application |
employees | Numerical String | Total number of employees in the company as of latest fiscal year. | 29600 |
year_of_disclosure | Year (YYYY) | Year in which the data point was disclosed. | 2023 |
reporting_period | Year (YYYY) | Period for which the data point was measured, assessed, or is applicable. | 2023 |
category | String | Category of the data point. | Environmental |
thematic | String | Thematic to which the data point relates. | Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions |
dimension | String | Dimension of the data point. | Total GHG Emissions |
metric | String | The specific measurement or data points requested. | Scope 1 GHG Emissions split by Sources |
scope | Array of Strings | GHG emission scopes (1, 2, and/or 3) included in the value. | ['Scope 1'] |
emissions_sources | Array of Strings | Sources of GHG emissions. | ['Scope 2 - Cooling', 'Scope 2 - Electricity', 'Scope 2 - Heat', 'Scope 2 - Steam'] |
value | Numerical Float | Amount of GHG emissions. | 12000000 |
unit | Categorical String | The unit of measurement for the value, indicating the scale or dimension. | Metric Tonnes of CO2 equivalent (mtCO2e) |
method | Categorical String | Approach used to calculate Scope 2 and occasionally Scope 3 GHG emissions, distinguishing between 'Location-Based' (reflecting grid averages), 'Market-Based' (reflecting the specific electricity profile purchased), 'Not Specified', and 'Not Applicable' methods. | Market-based |
incomplete_boundaries | Boolean (True or Not Specified) | Indicates whether the reported data covers only a limited portion of the company's operational or organizational boundaries. | Not Specified |
source_names | Array of Strings | Names of the sources from which the reported data was obtained. | ['Corporate Responsibility Report'] |
source_urls | Array of URLs | URLs pointing to the original sources or documents for data verification. | ["", ""] |
company_id | String | Tracenable's internal company identifier. | dfb6bd7b-facf-4d0f-86a2-f1eedf191946 |
document_id | String | Tracenable's internal source document identifier. | 4a32b902-ae42-4692-ae96-b42c99fdd2f9 |