isin | Alphanumeric String | International Securities Identification Number | US42704L1044 |
lei | Alphanumeric String | Legal Entity Identifier | 549300TP80QLITMSBP82 |
figi | Alphanumeric String | Financial Instrument Global Identifier | BBG00WNPK2F5 |
ticker | String | Ticker symbol | HRI |
exchange | String | Stock exchange | NASDAQ |
mic_code | String | Market Identifier Code for the exchange | XNGS |
permid | Numerical String | Permanent Identifier | 4295900057 |
company_name | String | Legal name of the company. | HERC HOLDINGS INC |
country | Categorical String | Country where the company's headquarters are located. | United States |
sector | String | Sector in which the company operates. | Technology |
industry | String | Industry classification of the company. | Software - Application |
employees | Numerical String | Total number of employees in the company as of latest fiscal year. | 29600 |
category | String | Category of the data point. | Environmental Data |
thematic | String | Thematic to which the data point relates. | Climate Targets |
dimension | String | Dimension of the data point. | GHG Emissions Reduction Targets |
metric | String | The specific measurement or data points requested. | Intensity GHG Emissions Reduction Targets |
year_of_disclosure | Year (YYYY) | Most recent corporate disclosure year from which the data point was derived. For example, if a data point is based on information from an annual report (2022) and a sustainability report (2023), the year_of_disclosure would be 2023. | 2023 |
scope_of_target | Array of Strings | GHG emission scopes (1, 2, and/or 3) included in the reduction target. | [“Scope 1”, “Scope 2”] |
method | Categorical String | Approach used to calculate Scope 2 and occasionally Scope 3 GHG emissions, distinguishing between 'Location-Based' (reflecting grid averages), 'Market-Based' (reflecting the specific electricity profile purchased), 'Not Defined', and 'Not Applicable' methods. | Market-based |
intensity_category | Categorical String | High-level grouping classifying the denominators that companies report when setting targets to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. These categories serve to standardize and simplify comparisons of GHG intensity across different companies, sectors, industries, and time periods. | Energy |
intensity_sub_category | Categorical String | More specific classification within an intensity category that further refines the denominator used to scale GHG emissions. Sub-categories provide a detailed grouping based on the type of material, product, or operational activity. | Non-Renewable Energy Sources |
intensity_metric | String | Specific denominator that a company reports to measure the intensity of its GHG emissions. It reflects the exact operational or financial measure, such as the amount of energy consumed or revenue generated, and is used to normalize emissions data. | Revenue |
baseline_year | Year (YYYY) | Reference year against which a company's GHG reduction targets are measured. | 2019 |
baseline_value | Numerical Float | Quantified GHG emissions value (absolute or intensity) recorded in the baseline year. | 0.0000583 |
baseline_unit | String | Unit of measurement used for the baseline value. | Metric Tonnes of CO2 equivalent (mtCO2e) per US Dollar (USD) of Revenue |
year_target_was_set | Year (YYYY) | Year in which the GHG reduction target was formally established by the company. | 2020 |
target_year | Year (YYYY) | Future year by which the company aims to achieve its GHG reduction target. | 2030 |
target_value | Numerical Float | Quantified GHG reduction or performance goal set by the company. | 0.25 |
target_unit | String | Unit of measurement used for the target value. | Percentage (%) |
target_unit_direction | Categorical String | Direction of the target compared to the baseline or other reference points (e.g., absolute decrease from baseline, percentage increase from baseline). | Percentage decrease from baseline |
achievement_year | Year (YYYY) | Year in which the company's progress towards the GHG target is evaluated. | 2022 |
achievement_value | Numerical Float | Quantified progress made towards the GHG target as of the achievement year. | 17% |
achievement_unit | String | Unit of measurement used for the achievement value. | Percentage (%) |
achievement_unit_direction | Categorical String | Direction of progress compared to the baseline or other reference points (e.g., absolute emissions in achievement year, percentage decrease from baseline). | Percentage decrease from baseline |
incomplete_boundaries | Boolean (True or Not Specified) | Indicates whether the reported data covers only a limited portion of the company's operational or organizational boundaries. | Not Specified |
source_names | Array of Strings | Names of the sources from which the reported data was obtained. | ["Corporate Responsibility Report 2021", "Corporate Citizenship Report 2023"] |
source_urls | Array of URLs | URLs pointing to the original sources or documents for data verification. | ["", ""] |
company_id | String | Tracenable's internal company identifier. | dfb6bd7b-facf-4d0f-86a2-f1eedf191946 |
document_ids | Array of Strings | Tracenable's internal source document identifier. | ["4a32b902-ae42-4692-ae96-b42c99fdd2f9", "f456c129-8d84-4b9b-b8c6-ae01ab8575fe"] |